Sunday, October 4, 2009

happy anniversary to us!

even though he is in rosemont, illinois it was still a beautiful day. until, of course, the boys decided to play tackle football. yes, that can never turn out good! Noah pulled a muscle up near his heart, AND, since he is allergic to grass you can guess that it didn't turn out well.

he is convinced he is going to die. everytime he breathes in a big breath he says his heart hurts - really it is the pulled muscle. because, let's not forget, when you manhandle your little brother, you are not always going to come out of it unscathed! and, with rolling around in the grass and toby throwing grass on top of him, his throat got tight and he threw up.

but, let's not forget that last night he was going to die because he swallowed some of the shampoo.

i don't know how to help him with these fears - it may be time for me to call on doug again and just let noah go in and speak with him. not become a fixture on the couch which we can all see happening.

he has decided that his favorite new game is wii fit. now, for months before this it was baseball 2k9. he could not play another game but that one. heaven forbid toby want to play another game - it did not go well. so, now he is tracking ALL of his moves. everything. it is even written in a notebook because he wants to be healthy.

I can understand healthy, but above and beyond.......o, that is my boy, and i love him for every flaw and compulsive tendancy that he has. because for better or worse, he is mine. he is here - which is something i might not have had when he was born. so, as frustrated as i get with him, i love him!


sbcutie said...

OMG> Did you take him to the hospital or Drs. to find out he had a pulled muscle? Sorry you were alone on your anniversary. Well at least it was a beautiful day. Take care.

juli said...

nope - he was outside playing tackle football with toby - i figured tackling and such he pulled his muscle. then, todd and i figured out what he did the next night - he was lowering himself on the swing and his upper body was still holding on to the wood - his lower half was blowing in the wind.....definitely a pulled muscle.