Sunday, September 13, 2009

the chili recipe

I lost my chili recipe, and I will be trying the one out that you see below. I love the chili with cocoa powder - it makes it so dark and yummy! Getting on the dit band wagon starting tomorrow. Wish me luck.

I am SICK of being overweight. I have been overweight for as lng as I can remember. NO MORE!

I am excited to restart the next phase of my life. My baby phase is over. Now t is time t ous on the me stage. I need to take careof myself for my babies. HMMMM......if I go off of the wagon I can read this and remotivate myself. Plus, all of you reading my blog can help keep me on track. I would love to hear from you.....


Anonymous said...

think of it that more don't have to deal with that weight gain anymore!
Good luck!

sbcutie said...

Me to. I hear ya. I have got to do soemthing to. I have made a couple of new things so if you want I can post them here or send them to your facebook just let me know.

Anonymous said...

Believe me, the older I get, the harder it is to keep my weight in check. Amelia will keep you busy, and keep you running, and that will help!