Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday, Monday!

Ahhhh - another weekend done and over with. we went apple picking and spent the day in burlington. it was nice to be able to spend the weekend with todd before he leaves - AGAIN!

I am trying to get back on track wihh the diet thing - today is another start. I am focused, and feeling good about it, so hopefully.

we are going to be going to germany in may for a show over there. what a learning experience for the kids! I am excited about it - just hoping by then I will be A LOT slimmer. although, i have come to realize that it isn't how fast you lose - it is always going to be a struggle for me - it is not puting a time limit on it. i can not tell you how many times that i have put a time on it - saying, "I am going to be this weight by such and such." never works! it has only taken me my whole life to figure this out! yeah, i am a bright bulb, huh? just kidding!

i had tomato and mozzarella for breakfast, and lunch will be a steak and veggies. dinner is chicken with dijon mustard cream sauce. a snack later on will be banana and peanut butter. this is the plan - here's hoping it sticks!

happy monday to all!

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